This comprehensive assortment of 7 carefully curated items is your secret weapon for deep, restorative sleep. Here's what each product can do for you:
- Sleep Tight - 250 ml Magnesium Body Milk or 300 ml Body Gel: This rich body milk with 35% magnesium, Shea butter, fractionated coconut oil and urea is a hydrating dream what feels silky smooth on the skin. It penetrates deeply into your skin and its milky texture provides a gradual, non-prickly absorption of magnesium. The Body Gel also contains 35% magnesium, but is water-based. The Body Gel spreads easily and is absorbed faster by the skin.
- Sleep Tight - 10 ml Magnesium Oil Roller: The handy roller contains not only magnesium, but also soothing essential oils of lavender, chamomile and jasmine. It is perfect for quick relaxation and ideal for travel!
- Sleep Tight - 10 ml Sleep Tight Essential Oil Blend: Add this essential oil blend to your diffuser, aroma burner or bath water for a soothing atmosphere in your (sleeping) room. It promotes a peaceful night's sleep.
- Sleep Tight - 100 ml Bed & Pillow Spray: Spray this delightful blend of lavender, chamomile and jasmine on your bedding and pillow for a sublime sleep experience.
- Sleep Tight - 100 gr Sleep Tight Scented candle: This candle, with the scents of lavender, chamomile and sandalwood is a magical way to fill your bedroom with relaxation and tranquility.
- Sleep Eye Mask: Keep out disturbing light and enjoy uninterrupted sleep thanks to our comfortable eye mask.
- Sleep Tight Guided Meditation Audio: Our guided meditation audio takes you into a deep state of relaxation and the effective body scan helps calm your body, putting you to sleep as you listen.
Did you know that magnesium contributes to more than 300 processes in the body?
Magnesium is involved in numerous processes in the body because of its important role as a cofactor for enzymes and as a regulator of various biochemical reactions. Examples include: Energy production, Nervous system, Blood pressure regulation, Muscle contraction & relaxation, Heart function, Immune system and much more! Magnesium is truly a versatile mineral that plays an integral role in overall health and well-being.
- Sleep Tight - Deep Sleep Stimulate (35% magnesium)
Sleep is sooo important for our overall well-being. Sleep Tight magnesium gel and body milk can help improve sleep quality and promote a good night's sleep thanks to its relaxing effects on the nervous system. It helps reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which is related to the fight-or-flight response. Due to its calming properties, Sleep Tight can help put your body into a state of relaxation, which is beneficial for falling asleep and staying asleep. Regulation of melatonin: Magnesium plays a role in the regulation of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating your sleep-wake cycle. Healthy melatonin production can contribute to better sleep quality and the ability to fall asleep.
Sleep Tight Magic Magnesium set benefits
Benefits for Sleep (Sleep Tight)
✅ Supports melatonin production.
✅ Relaxes muscles for better sleep.
✅ Reduces restlessness and insomnia.
✅ Promotes deeper and restorative sleep.
✅ 100% developed in-house in the Netherlands.